Friday, April 18, 2008

The History of People Like Us...


I would like to say...this could get boring...but it could also get interesting...for what I have to say or is it type has been in my head for quite some time...

What is it? Well, let's just say that for some years I've been making surveys, doing researc and stuff...and it all about this ONE SPECIAL GROUP in this world that has been misunderstood for centuries...They are known as the "PEOPLE LIKE US" or in short the "PLU"...

A PLU is defined as a person who has his or her emotions, psychology, and socioculture to a level of ultra-high complexity that the "normal people" misunderstood it as an abnormality...a disfunction...a diesease...that could corrupt, damage, and destroy the world's norm which took ages for it to form...

Hence, a PLU is looked at as a BANE to the if they are something useless, waste of tax payers money, etc.In short, the normal people doesn't want to do with anything with these 'FREAKS OF NATURE".

They dismissed the fact that they are any good for anything...for being different in the past as well as in the present will always be looked upon negatively by the community...Typical isn't? The normal people are actually afraid of change...of something new...why again? Easy, they don't like to this things over...they just make their own assumption that being different from the rest is not a good thing...But is it?

Then how can u explain HANG TUAH or ALBERT EINSTEIN (hope that is the correct spelling) or even our NATIONAL HEROES? I did some these people I mentioned above are not PLU...for there is nothing in record of them being one...but the main point is that they DO NOT live like the normal people...Take Einstein for instance, this guy can't even count or write right...that's not normal...but he did made some BIG changes...he did it on his own in not listenning to the "normal people" he achieved and made history...

But let's get back to the point. Why the PLUs are always misunderstood? Before I go further, let me shed some more light to this PLU. Who are they actually? What are they actually? Well, they ARE still HUMAN. But of a different edition and they consists of:

1. Gays and Lesbians(Homosexuals)

2. Bisexuals

3. Trisexuals

4. Drags (Transexuals)

5. Asexuals (those that only love them self or the 'Tin Man' syndrome)

6. Multiple Personality Disorder

7. Hyper I.Q. (The Scare Crow)

1 comment:

mapieceofart said...

whoa... those info really helped me understanding more... i know many of PLU peeps... and i think i'm getting along with them okay...

well... fact number 6 and 7...
they sound interesting...
i think i'm tryna be one...!
