Friday, April 18, 2008

And it goes again in part 3

Hello you guys...

Quite a long time I didn't continue this thing here...

Anyway...let's get back to where we left off...

I made a friend who is gay and in need of some counselling from me...and the story goes...

Right after that we began to meet up every week at the exact place we met the first time...(its at the back gate of my school if you guys have already forgotten)

We would talk alot...Me giving him advices and him giving it back to me...Besides he was a school debater at that time and so was I...It was good practice though...

I still remember the topics we would "debate" about, I'd like to write all of it in here but it could take a life time to finish what I'm trying to here are some of the most important and memorable topics...

"What do you know about LOVE, Shah?"He asked me.We were sitting side by side at that time looking at the field getting dried up by the hot sun... "Love...Love is having a special feeling towards someone that person..."I answered rather unprofessionally...Made him sigh with hopelessness..."Really?Well, your future lover would be very dissappointed to hear that kind of reason..." "Oh??? You have a better one? Mr.Romantic?"I replied sarcasticaly...But he does know how to be one in truth...but that is another story...

"As always, my dear...Love is something alive that comes in all kinds and types...Its not JUST love...Have you ever notice how different a love for a friend and a love for a boyfriend...or a girlfriend?Or the love for your family, brothers and sisters even parents?There is also love for knowledge which all we students were supposed to have...They are different"I nodded and he continued "So love is also something alive...we can't see it but it's there...just like air...And like air we can't live without love...that's the truth about humans...but not all realize it..." Still listenning as it still sounds true... "But what about true love now? Do you believe in that?" I wasn't able to answer that at that time because I have never ever thought about it until now...

"Hmm...just as've never thought about it until now..." Damded gay boy read my mind."Its typical for straight guys to do as such...that why alot of family here...especially here...MALAYSIA...alot of straight people did not give a second thought to LOVE but give alot to SEX...thats not the way to find happiness...or to fullfil your lives...If ever you like someone because of your desires...You'll find more sorrow in the end than happiness...and when one has felt sorrow...two things can happen...He'll learn from it and not to ever go down that same path again...The second, he'll be a slave to sorrow and spreads them around by becoming a 'vampire', a being that didn't understand what love is and still tries to find it with desires on his the end...that person will be the lonliest soul...never finding happiness...never ever will feel love...poor thing..." I just sat there and stared at him...know that he is feeling some pain now...but I did not know what...He looked at me... "Love is loving someone and getting that love appreciated and getting the same kind of love in return...Love is a two way street...with drivers that follow the law of the traffic...while waving and smiling good day to other drivers on the road he is driving and the opposite..which means you can love one person specially but still can give your love to I has many kinds and types...give all love to others and save the true one for the one you really think is fit to have" Then the school bell rang signalling the end of reccess hour..."Remember that Shah...NEVER forget that...Forget it and you will be miserable till your life ends..." Then we parted ways and agreed to meet again next week...same time...same place...same topic...

Then comes next week...

Sitting face to face crossed legged because we are having a meal together on the ground under a tree...quite a picnic...hehehe...

As I eat, a question appeared out of nowhere..."Umm...If you have found true can we keep it being true?"

Raising an eyebrow, Miles swallowed his bite of sandwhich and began his speech:"Easy...Trust and Loyalty..."Then he continued on with his lunch...I was amazed...really was...His speech was a short one this time...I stared at him..."Don't you know that it's rude to stare...especially when someones having his meal???"

"Sorry...but...Is that all? Trust and Loyaty? No elaborations on that?" Rolling his eyes..."Alrite...I thought you were mature enough to think on know...something like trusting the post office will send you mail to a friend...trusting the bank to take care of your money...Get the picture?OK? its just like that with someone you love...You have a life and he has a life...and the fact is no one's life is exactly the same...he has obligations to do...and you also...he has friends...and also he knows you love him...and he love you back...thats the greatest key...THE LOVE...because of TRUST him dearly that he will live his life 'clean' without playing 'dirty' with you...And when one trusts another automatically the other trusts him in return...its because of the LOVE..." Still thinking...I nodded "Now when TRUST has exist in them it is still not enough...because TRUST can still be corrupted by either one of them by one of them 'playing the trustworthy one' while 'fooling around' with others as well...To save TRUST from corrupting and destroying LOVE...LOYALTY comes in...This is the difficult part...LOYALTY means to remain FAITHFUL...Like PEASANTS are LOYAL to their KING and THEIR KING REMAIN TRUE TO HIS SUBJECTS...where both must TRUST each other to rule and protect their KINGDOM named LOVE...but to do that is a great feat to perform...even KINGS have traitors...and SUBJECTS having RUTHLESS KINGS...Loyalty is something that must be practiced alot...even the most happiest couples can still break up because of poor loyalty..."Then the bell rang again...He told me as usual...and we went back to class...

Till another time...The story will get more knowlegeable and interesting...


ratnakesuma said...

what r u carut-coretkan ini? hahahahha...

keluhan seorang yang tgh putus cinta?
tgh mencari cinta yg baru?
diari kehidupan?

kalau ada org ejek blog ko, ko ckp mcm ni: "ni blog aku, suka hati aku lah!"

Miss LaraLady said...

tapi panjang sangat..
x abeh bace pon..

mapieceofart said...

yes... it's kinda long too actually but i think i'm cool reading ur long entries...only it takes a lil time to finish it all... huhu.. =)
but i believe long stories have got a lot to tell and to share...

well... i love the last paragraph... and i will use it to make someone 'touched'... sure thing is, it's gonna be useful for me... thanx to you... and to Miles....

feel like to see and to know him...
a good friend of yours he must be...